Pin Pon para la tele con 16f84a
Tipico juego de raquetas monocromo para la pantalla de TV.
Pagina original:
; PONG ; (C) Rickard Gunée 1998 ; ; This is shareware, use it at your own risk. ; ; You will find more info about the project ; and more info on video signals here: ; ; ; Outputs composite PAL video signal using ; only two resistors! list p=16C84,r=hex __config 0x3FFA w equ 0 f equ 1 pcl equ 0x02 status equ 0x03 porta equ 0x05 portb equ 0x06 indf equ 0x00 fsr equ 0x04 eedata equ 0x08 eeadr equ 0x09 eecon1 equ 0x08 rd equ 0 rp0 equ 5 up1b equ 3 down1b equ 2 left1b equ 4 right1b equ 5 fire1b equ 1 up2b equ 7 down2b equ 6 left2b equ 2 right2b equ 3 fire2b equ 1 up1p equ portb down1p equ portb left1p equ portb right1p equ portb fire1p equ portb up2p equ portb down2p equ portb left2p equ porta right2p equ porta fire2p equ porta pl1_points equ 0x0C pl2_points equ 0x0D pl1_ypos equ 0x0E pl2_ypos equ 0x0F ball_xpos equ 0x10 ball_ypos equ 0x11 counter0 equ 0x12 counter1 equ 0x13 counter2 equ 0x14 videostuff equ 0x15 line equ 0x16 pl equ 0x17 counter5 equ 0x18 delaycnt equ 0x19 ball_xpart equ 0x1A ball equ 0x1B counter3 equ 0x1C counter4 equ 0x1D sound_counter equ 0x1E sound_stuff equ 0x1F sound_counter2 equ 0x20 stuff equ 0x21 strptr equ 0x22 strptr2 equ 0x23 stringbuff equ 0x24 x_dir equ 0 x_speed equ 1 y_dir equ 2 y_speed equ 3 serve equ 4 wait equ 5 sound_length equ 0x3 delay MACRO LOCAL label movwf delaycnt label decfsz delaycnt,f goto label ENDM dnop MACRO LOCAL label label goto label+1 ENDM org 0x000 goto menu table numbers addwf pcl,f ;number 0 retlw 0x1C retlw 0x36 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x6B retlw 0x63 retlw 0x36 retlw 0x1C retlw 0x0 ;number 1 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x1C retlw 0x18 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x7E retlw 0x0 ;number 2 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x63 retlw 0x60 retlw 0x38 retlw 0xC retlw 0x66 retlw 0x7F retlw 0x0 ;number 3 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x63 retlw 0x60 retlw 0x3C retlw 0x60 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x0 ;number 4 retlw 0x38 retlw 0x3C retlw 0x36 retlw 0x33 retlw 0x7F retlw 0x30 retlw 0x78 retlw 0x0 ;number 5 retlw 0x7F retlw 0x3 retlw 0x3 retlw 0x3F retlw 0x60 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x0 ;number 6 retlw 0x1C retlw 0x6 retlw 0x3 retlw 0x3F retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x0 ;number 7 retlw 0x7F retlw 0x63 retlw 0x30 retlw 0x18 retlw 0xC retlw 0xC retlw 0xC retlw 0x0 ;number 8 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x0 ;number 9 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x7E retlw 0x60 retlw 0x30 retlw 0x1E retlw 0x0 ;P retlw 0x3F retlw 0x66 retlw 0x66 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x6 retlw 0x6 retlw 0xF retlw 0x0 ;L retlw 0xF retlw 0x6 retlw 0x6 retlw 0x6 retlw 0x46 retlw 0x66 retlw 0x7F retlw 0x0 ;. retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x0 ; W retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x6B retlw 0x6B retlw 0x7F retlw 0x36 retlw 0x0 ; O retlw 0x3E retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x0 ; N retlw 0x63 retlw 0x67 retlw 0x6F retlw 0x7B retlw 0x73 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x0 ; G retlw 0x3C retlw 0x66 retlw 0x3 retlw 0x3 retlw 0x73 retlw 0x66 retlw 0x5C retlw 0x0 ; C retlw 0x3C ;0xC3 retlw 0x42 ;0x99 retlw 0x99 ;0xFC retlw 0x85 ;0xFC retlw 0x85 ;0xFC retlw 0x99 ;0x99 retlw 0x42 ;0xC3 retlw 0x3C ;0xFF ;R retlw 0x3F retlw 0x66 retlw 0x66 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x36 retlw 0x66 retlw 0x67 retlw 0x0 ; U retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x3E retlw 0x0 ; E retlw 0x7F retlw 0x46 retlw 0x16 retlw 0x1E retlw 0x16 retlw 0x46 retlw 0x7F retlw 0x0 ; space retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 retlw 0x0 ; H retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x7F retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x63 retlw 0x0 ; C retlw 0x3C retlw 0x66 retlw 0x3 retlw 0x3 retlw 0x3 retlw 0x66 retlw 0x3C retlw 0x0 l_0 EQU 0x00 l_1 EQU 0x08 l_2 EQU 0x10 l_3 EQU 0x18 l_4 EQU 0x20 l_5 EQU 0x28 l_6 EQU 0x30 l_7 EQU 0x38 l_8 EQU 0x40 l_9 EQU 0x48 l_P EQU 0x50 l_L EQU 0x58 l_dot EQU 0x60 l_W EQU 0x68 l_O EQU 0x70 l_N EQU 0x78 l_G EQU 0x80 l_CC EQU 0x88 l_R EQU 0x90 l_U EQU 0x98 l_E EQU 0xA0 l_space EQU 0xA8 l_H EQU 0xB0 l_C EQU 0xB8 dosound btfss sound_stuff,0 goto skipsound bsf porta,4 btfsc sound_counter,2 bcf porta,4 incf sound_counter,f return skipsound dnop nop return shortsync movwf counter1 shortsync_l0 bcf porta,0 ;2us sync bcf portb,0 dnop movlw 0x1D ;30us black movwf counter2 nop bsf porta,0 shortsync_l1 decfsz counter2,f goto shortsync_l1 decfsz counter1,f goto shortsync_l0 retlw 5 vertsync movlw 5 btfss videostuff,0 movlw 6 call shortsync incf videostuff,f longsync movwf counter1 longsync_l0 movlw 0x1D movwf counter2 bcf porta,0 ;30 us sync bcf portb,0 longsync_l1 decfsz counter2,f goto longsync_l1 nop ;2us black bsf porta,0 nop decfsz counter1,f goto longsync_l0 movlw 5 btfss videostuff,0 movlw 4 call shortsync return start movlw sound_length movwf sound_counter2 bcf sound_stuff,0 clrf sound_counter clrf pl1_points clrf pl2_points clrf counter4 movlw 0x50 movwf pl1_ypos movlw 0x50 movwf pl2_ypos movlw 10 movwf ball_xpos movwf ball_ypos movlw 20 movwf ball movlw 0xFE tris portb clrf videostuff bsf stuff,0 main call vertsync dnop bcf porta,0 ;sync bcf portb,0 movfw pl1_points sublw 0xA skpnz goto plwon movfw pl2_points sublw 0xA skpnz goto plwon nop dnop bsf porta,0 ;set black level movlw 0x14 subwf ball_ypos,w skpc movlw 0 movwf counter0 movlw 0x92 subwf counter0,w skpnc movlw 0x92 skpnc movwf counter0 movfw counter0 btfsc stuff,1 movwf pl1_ypos btfsc stuff,2 movwf pl2_ypos dnop bsf porta,0 ;set white btfsc ball,wait goto waitfire btfsc ball,x_speed ;if speed is high goto highxspeed ;then skip slowtest btfsc videostuff,0 ;slowtest goto skipball nop highxspeedr btfsc ball,x_dir ;check xdir goto goleft incf ball_xpos,f ;move ball right movfw ball_xpos sublw 0x29 ;bounce ? skpz goto norbounce bsf ball,x_dir ;yes, set left motion decf ball_xpos,f ;if bounce also prevent ball from getting outa here bsf sound_stuff,0 movfw ball_ypos addlw 0B subwf pl2_ypos,w skpnc goto rmiss1 movfw pl2_ypos addlw 0x35 subwf ball_ypos,w ;ball_ypos - (pl2_ypos + 50) skpnc goto rmiss2 bsf ball,x_dir ;change ball direction btfsc fire2p,fire2b goto nofirer bsf ball,x_speed ;if fire increase speed btfsc up2p,up2b bcf ball,y_dir btfsc down2p,down2b bsf ball,y_dir bsf ball,y_speed dnop bsf sound_stuff,0 goleftr btfsc ball,y_dir goto goup incf ball_ypos,f movfw ball_ypos sublw 0xBD skpnz bsf ball,y_dir skpnz bsf sound_stuff,0 skpnz decf ball_ypos,f nop goupr movlw 0x09 delay nop skipballr movlw 2 ;move bars 2 pixels / frame movwf counter2 movebarl btfss up1p,up1b ;player 1 pressed up ? decf pl1_ypos,f ;yes, move up player 1 btfss down1p,down1b ;player 1 pressed down ? incf pl1_ypos,f ;yes, move down player 2 movfw pl1_ypos ;get player 1 ypos skpnz ;ypos = 0 ? (oob) incf pl1_ypos,f ;yes, move down one step sublw 0x93 skpnz ;ypos=150 ? (oob) decf pl1_ypos,f ;yes, move up one step btfss up2p,up2b ;player 2 pressed up ? decf pl2_ypos,f ;yes, move up player 1 btfss down2p,down2b ;player 2 pressed down ? incf pl2_ypos,f ;yes, move down player 2 movfw pl2_ypos ;get player 2 ypos skpnz ;ypos = 0 (oob) incf pl2_ypos,f ;yes, move down one step sublw 0x93 skpnz ;ypos=150 ? (oob) decf pl2_ypos,f ;yes, move up one step decfsz counter2,f goto movebarl btfss ball,y_speed ;fast y-speed ? goto yslow ;yes, skip it btfsc ball,y_dir ;ball going up ? goto fastup incf ball_ypos,f ;ball going down ! movfw ball_ypos sublw 0xBD ;check for bounce skpnz bsf ball,y_dir ;if bounce, change y-dir skpnz bsf sound_stuff,0 skpnz decf ball_ypos,f ;and go up one step nop fastr nop btfss sound_stuff,0 ;sound ? goto nosoundatall decfsz sound_counter2,f ;decrease timer nosoundatall goto nosoundfin ;if timer is zero then bcf sound_stuff,0 ;stop sound movlw sound_length ;setup time for next time movwf sound_counter2 bsf porta,4 ;set high level to decrease power consumption nosoundfinr movlw 2 delay clrf line movlw 0x32 call emptylines dnop dnop dnop nop nocmprr movlw 0xC8 ;200 lines movwf counter1 l6 movfw line subwf pl1_ypos,w ;w=ypos-line, if w>0 then c=1 bcf porta,0 ;start sync bcf portb,0 skpnc goto nolpl ;if c=1 then line < ypos, don't show it movfw pl1_ypos addlw 0x32 subwf line,w ;w=line-(ypos+50) bsf pl,0 ;if c=0 then line < (ypos+50), show it skpnc nolplr bcf pl,0 ;if c=1 then line > (ypos+50), don't show it nop nop bsf porta,0 ;end of sync, set black movfw line subwf pl2_ypos,w ;w=ypos-line, if w>0 then c=1 skpnc goto norpl ;if c=1 then line < ypos, don't show it movfw pl2_ypos addlw 0x32 subwf line,w ;w=line-(ypos+50) bsf pl,1 ;if c=0 then line < (ypos+50), show it skpnc norplr bcf pl,1 ;if c=1 then line > (ypos+50), don't show it nop movfw ball_ypos subwf line,w ;w=ball_ypos - line skpc ;line < ball_ypos goto noball ;yes, ball is not on line 30 movfw ball_ypos addlw 0x0A subwf line,w ;w=line-(ball_ypos+9) skpc ;line < ball_ypos+9 ? goto ballonline ;yes: ball is on this line 35 noballr dnop dnop nop btfsc pl,0 bsf portb,0 dnop dnop movlw 0x2A-3 bcf portb,0 delay call dosound nop btfsc pl,1 bsf portb,0 dnop dnop nop bcf portb,0 dnop dnop endofball incf line,f decfsz counter1,f goto l6 ;191 movlw 0x3 movwf counter1 l8 nop bcf porta,0 bcf portb,0 movlw 3 delay bsf porta,0 movlw 6 delay bsf portb,0 movlw 0x33 delay nop decfsz counter1,f goto l8 dnop bcf porta,0 bcf portb,0 movlw 3 delay bsf porta,0 movlw 6 delay bsf portb,0 movlw 0x2E delay movfw pl1_points movwf counter2 rlf counter2,f rlf counter2,f rlf counter2,f movfw pl2_points movwf counter0 rlf counter0,f rlf counter0,f rlf counter0,f dnop movlw 0x00 tris portb clrf counter4 clrf line movlw 0x10 movwf counter1 l9 dnop bcf porta,0 bcf portb,0 movlw 3 delay nop bsf porta,0 nop movlw 3 delay call dosound bsf portb,0 movlw 3 delay movfw counter2 addlw -4 ;?!?!?!?!?!! call numbers btfsc ball,serve xorlw 0xFF movwf portb rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f bsf portb,0 movlw 0x1C delay nop movfw counter0 call numbers btfss ball,serve xorlw 0xFF movwf portb rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f bsf portb,0 btfsc counter4,0 incf counter2,f btfsc counter4,0 incf counter0,f incf counter4,f movlw 4 delay decfsz counter1,f goto l9 movlw 0xFE tris portb nop bcf porta,0 bcf portb,0 movlw 3 delay bsf porta,0 movlw 6 delay bsf portb,0 movlw 0x32 delay nop movlw 0x1E call emptylines goto main nolpl goto nolplj nolplj goto nolplr norpl goto norplj norplj goto norplr ballonline dnop ;screen starts here dnop btfsc pl,0 ;start showing player 1 bsf portb,0 movfw ball_xpos sublw 0x29 movwf ball_xpart nop movfw ball_xpos bcf portb,0 delay bsf portb,0 dnop movfw ball_xpart bcf portb,0 delay btfsc pl,1 bsf portb,0 nop dnop dnop bcf portb,0 dnop goto endofball noball dnop goto noballr goleft decf ball_xpos,f skpz goto nolbounce bsf sound_stuff,0 bcf ball,x_dir incf ball_xpos,f movfw ball_ypos addlw 0x0B subwf pl1_ypos,w skpnc goto lmiss1 movfw pl1_ypos addlw 0x35 subwf ball_ypos,w ;ball_ypos - (pl2_ypos + 50) skpnc goto lmiss2 bcf ball,x_dir ;change ball direction btfsc fire1p,fire1b goto nofirel bsf ball,x_speed btfsc up1p,up1b bcf ball,y_dir btfsc down1p,down1b bsf ball,y_dir bsf ball,y_speed bsf sound_stuff,0 goto goleftr lmiss1 dnop dnop nop lmiss2 bsf ball,wait ;start waiting btfss ball,serve goto chservel incf pl2_points,f bsf sound_stuff,0 nop dnop goto goleftr chservel bsf ball,serve nop dnop goto goleftr rmiss1 dnop dnop nop rmiss2 bsf ball,wait btfsc ball,serve goto chserver incf pl1_points,f bsf sound_stuff,0 nop dnop goto goleftr chserver bcf ball,serve nop dnop goto goleftr goup decf ball_ypos,f skpnz bcf ball,y_dir skpnz bsf sound_stuff,0 skpnz incf ball_ypos,f goto goupr skipball movlw 0x16 ;like major wait or something delay goto skipballr highxspeed goto highxspeedr ;small wait or something nolbounce movlw 6 ;wait delay goto goleftr norbounce movlw 6 ;wait delay nop goto goleftr waitfire btfsc ball,serve ;whos serve is it ? goto pl2serve nop movlw 1 ;ball x pos = 1 movwf ball_xpos movfw pl1_ypos addlw 0x14 movwf ball_ypos ;ball y pos = pl1 ypos + 20 movlw 0x20 movwf ball ;setup ball btfss up1p,up1b bsf ball,y_dir ;is player pressing up ? btfss fire1p,fire1b bcf ball,wait ;is player pressing fire ? btfss fire1p,fire1b bsf sound_stuff,0 ;is player pressing fire ? btfsc stuff,1 bcf ball,wait ;computerized fire ? btfsc stuff,1 bsf sound_stuff,0 ;computerized fire ? nop movlw 0x0F delay goto skipballr pl2serve movlw 0x28 ;ball x pos ? 40 movwf ball_xpos movfw pl2_ypos addlw 0x14 movwf ball_ypos ;ball y pos = pl2 ypos + 20 movlw 0x31 movwf ball ;setup ball btfss up2p,up2b bsf ball,y_dir ;is player pressing up ? btfss fire2p,fire2b bcf ball,wait ;is player pressing fire ? btfss fire2p,fire2b bsf sound_stuff,0 ;is player pressing fire ? btfsc stuff,2 bcf ball,wait ;computerized fire ? btfsc stuff,2 bsf sound_stuff,0 ;computerized fire ? nop movlw 0x0F delay goto skipballr nofirer: dnop ;like wait or something dnop nop goto skipballr nofirel dnop ;like wait or something dnop nop goto skipballr fastup decf ball_ypos,f ;move ball up skpnz ;check for bounce bcf ball,y_dir ;if bounce change y-dir skpnz bsf sound_stuff,0 skpnz incf ball_ypos,f ;and also move ball down one step goto fastr yslow movlw 2 ;like wait or something delay goto fastr nosoundfin nop goto nosoundfinr ;wait and stuff emptycharline movlw 0x10 ;17 black lines dnop emptylines movwf counter1 dnop nop ell bcf porta,0 bcf portb,0 movlw 3 delay movlw 0x7 bsf porta,0 delay btfsc stuff,0 bsf portb,0 call dosound movlw 0x2F delay decfsz counter1,f goto ell nop bcf porta,0 goto syncret plwon movlw 0xff movwf portb movlw 0xFE tris portb plwonw btfss fire1p,fire1b goto plwonw movlw 0xFF delay bcf stuff,0 bcf sound_stuff,0 plwonl movlw 0x00 tris portb call vertsync ;do vertical retrace movlw 0x8E call emptylines movlw pl1won_str btfsc ball,serve movlw pl2won_str call printstring dnop movlw 0x8D call emptylines movlw 0xff movwf portb movlw 0xFE tris portb btfsc fire1p,fire1b goto plwonl wfplw btfss fire1p,fire1b goto wfplw movlw 0xFF delay btfss fire1p,fire1b goto wfplw goto menu menu bcf stuff,0 movlw pp_str movwf counter4 movlw sound_length movwf sound_counter2 bcf sound_stuff,0 clrf sound_counter movlw 0x0E tris porta menul movlw 0x00 tris portb call vertsync ;do vertical retrace call emptycharline call emptycharline call emptycharline movlw pong_str dnop call printstring call emptycharline dnop movlw crg_str call printstring call emptycharline call emptycharline call emptycharline dnop movlw pl12_str call printstring call emptycharline movfw counter4 dnop call printstring dnop movlw 0x62 call emptylines movlw 0xff movwf portb movlw 0xFE tris portb movfw counter4 btfss down1p,down1b movlw pp_str btfss left1p,left1b movlw cc_str btfss right1p,right1b movlw pc_str bcf portb,0 movwf counter4 movlw 3 delay bsf portb,0 movlw 59 delay btfsc fire1p,fire1b goto menul wfupgs btfss fire1p,fire1b goto wfupgs movlw 0xFF delay btfss fire1p,fire1b goto wfupgs bcf stuff,1 bsf stuff,2 movfw counter4 sublw pp_str skpnz bcf stuff,2 movfw counter4 sublw cc_str skpnz bsf stuff,1 movlw 0xFF delay goto start printstring movwf strptr clrf line movlw 0x08 movwf counter1 printstrl0 bcf porta,0 movlw 0x08 movwf counter0 movlw stringbuff movwf fsr movfw strptr movwf eeadr dnop dnop nop bsf porta,0 prnstrl1 bsf status,rp0 bsf eecon1,rd bcf status,rp0 movfw eedata addwf line,w call table movwf indf incf fsr,f incf eeadr,f decfsz counter0,f goto prnstrl1 movlw 0xE delay incf line,f bcf porta,0 movlw 0x08 movwf counter0 movlw stringbuff movwf fsr movlw 2 delay bsf porta,0 movlw 0xD ;22us black + 8us black col brst delay prnstrl2 movfw indf movwf portb rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f rrf portb,f bcf portb,0 incf fsr,f decfsz counter0,f goto prnstrl2 movlw 0x8 ;22us black delay decfsz counter1,f goto printstrl0 nop bcf porta,0 goto syncret syncret movlw 2 delay nop bsf porta,0 movlw 0x38 delay return org 0x2100 pl1won_str equ 0x0 dw l_P dw l_L dw l_dot dw l_1 dw l_space dw l_W dw l_O dw l_N pl2won_str equ 0x8 dw l_P dw l_L dw l_dot dw l_2 dw l_space dw l_W dw l_O dw l_N pong_str equ 0x10 dw l_space dw l_space dw l_P dw l_O dw l_N dw l_G dw l_space dw l_space pl12_str equ 0x18 dw l_P dw l_L dw l_1 dw l_space dw l_space dw l_P dw l_L dw l_2 pp_str equ 0x20 dw l_space dw l_H dw l_space dw l_space dw l_space dw l_space dw l_H dw l_space pc_str equ 0x28 dw l_space dw l_H dw l_space dw l_space dw l_space dw l_space dw l_C dw l_space cc_str equ 0x30 dw l_space dw l_C dw l_space dw l_space dw l_space dw l_space dw l_C dw l_space crg_str equ 0x38 dw l_CC dw l_R dw l_dot dw l_G dw l_U dw l_N dw l_E dw l_E end
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